Alarming! 80% Of Maldives Might Be Underwater By 2050 Due To Climate Change

With sprawling stretches of aquamarine waters, dreamy white sands, clear blue skies and towering palms, the Maldives remains on the bucket list of every beach enthusiast. But an alarming report has surfaced about the island nation now. Several pieces of research by NASA and the U.S. Geological Survey have revealed that around 80% of Maldives might sink underwater by 2050 due to rising sea levels, according to a report by ABC News.

Maldives Might Stop Existing By End Of Century: Maldivian President

The Maldives is a country located in the Indian Ocean, which is made up of 1,200 coral islands. In the last few decades, one-third of the nation has sunk below sea level. Due to the rising sea levels and climate change, experts are predicting that 80% of the Maldives will no longer exist in 2050. This will happen because the country is low lying and most of its land area is less than one meter above sea level.

Global warming is taking a toll on the entire world. It is the reason behind the alarming rise in sea levels. The Maldives, which lies in the middle of the Indian Ocean, might be engulfed by the sea soon if the detrimental effects of climate change continue. The Maldivian president Ibrahim Mohamed Solih has stated at the U.N. Climate Change Conference that if the effects are not reversed, the Maldives might stop existing by the end of the century.

6 Ways to Stop Global Warming

Change a light

Replacing one regular light bulb with a compact fluorescent light bulb will save 150 pounds of carbon dioxide a year.

Drive less

Walk, bike, carpool or take mass transit more often. You'll save one pound of carbon dioxide for every mile you don't drive!

Recycle more

You can save 2,400 pounds of carbon dioxide per year by recycling just half of your household waste.

Use less hot water

It takes a lot of energy to heat water. Use less hot water by taking shorter and cooler showers and washing your clothes in cold or warm instead of hot water (more than 500 pounds of carbon dioxide saved per year).

Use less hot water

It takes a lot of energy to heat water. Use less hot water by taking shorter and cooler showers and washing your clothes in cold or warm instead of hot water (more than 500 pounds of carbon dioxide saved per year).

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