Did you know Children?s Product Certificate?

A CPC is a document required by the Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act (CPSIA). It certifies that your children?s product complies with all applicable product safety rules.

If you don?t know which product safety rules apply to your product, it?s vital to research them before you put your goods up for sale. For example, if you were selling children?s pajamas, you might discover that they need to comply with specific federal flammability standards.

Your CPC is dependent on your products passing laboratory tests, which you must have conducted at a third-party testing laboratory. And the lab you choose needs to be on the Consumer Product Safety Commission?s (CPSC?s) list of accepted labs.

For products manufactured overseas, the importer of record is responsible for issuing the CPC, and it needs to be included with each shipment that enters the US. For products manufactured domestically, the manufacturer is responsible.

ECO BOOM bamboo diapers have got Children’s Product Certificate, certifies that your children?s product complies with all applicable product safety rules (without Lead and phthalates)!


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